What is the Vintage Computing Group of South Africa PDF Print E-mail

The Vintage Computing Group of South Africa (V.C.G.S.A) was formed in late 2009 with the purpose of bringing together people with an interest in collecting, restoring and preserving old, classic and vintage computers, software, games and consoles in South Africa.

Currently the V.C.G.S.A serves as a database of enthusiasts within South Africa. Membership is free and there are no obligations regarding meetings or activities. The objectives of the V.C.G.S.A are as follows:

  • Bring together people interested in collecting, restoring and preserving old and vintage computers, software, games and consoles in South Africa.
  • Where possible make available resources of knowledge and spares needed to restore items of interest to V.C.G.S.A members.
  • Promoting the interests of the V.C.G.S.A via exhibitions and presentations to schools.
  • Collecting and preserving information regarding the companies and people who were involved in the early days of computing in South Africa.

If you are interested in joining, finding out more about the Vintage Computing Group of South Africa or just want to share your early computer memories and experiences please use the contact us form. Alternatively as of early May 2012 there is Vintage Computing Group of South Africa group on Facebook. If you are interesting in becoming a member please feel free to either join the Facebook group or use the contact us form to get in touch.



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